If you are thinking of buying a home these three tips can get your search off on the right foot. While it's easy to get excited about fancy kitchen counters and spa bathtubs there are other things to think over before making an offer.
Consider these 3 important factors!
#1 Location
There's a familiar old adage "The three most important things about real estate are Location location location". Which is certainly true! No point finding the right house in the wrong location. Do your homework, drive and walk different neighborhoods to get a feel for the area. Make sure the area is a reasonable commuting distance to work and check into the local schools. You can change a lot of things in your new home but not the location. Rely on your local Realtor for assistance with this!
#2 Financing
Know your financial limits. You don't want to be house poor and tied to a mortgage payment you are struggling to pay. Meet with an experienced Lender or Mortgage Broker, your trusted Realtor can offer you several options in your area. Get your pre-approval letter, and organize your down payment. Take the time to understand the mortgage rates and terms.
#3 Be Patient
Take your time, enjoy the process. Get out with your Realtor and view lots of homes in your ideal neighborhoods. You learn a little something at every viewing. Ask lots of questions and look at the bones of the house, not the stager's choice in accent pillows. The Real Estate Market is constantly changing, there are new things to learn every day. Listen to the advice of your trusted professionals.

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